Uniform details and ordering
Our uniform was chosen, after consultation with parents, to be smart and practical. The school colours are: royal blue & white
- Royal blue sweatshirt (boys) or cardigan (girls) (with logo)
- White polo shirt (the logo is optional)
- Royal blue fleece (with logo) (not a compulsory item but may be worn as a jacket or as a outdoor top for PE)
- Grey pinafore, skirt or tailored trousers
- Royal Blue and white checked dress/playsuit (summer)
- White or grey socks (not trainer socks)/grey tights
- Flat heeled shoes (not trainers) in black or navy.
- Hairbands, bobbles or small ribbons/bows – blue or white. Hair bows should be no more than 8cm in length.
- PE kit – navy shorts, blue t-shirt (with logo), trainers (with velcro for children unable to do laces). Navy jogging bottoms or navy leggings to be worn in winter for outdoor PE (branding to be minimal) along with a navy blue hoodie (with logo)
- Navy blue cap (with logo) which can be purchased via the school office only.
- Navy blue bookbag (with logo)- Reception to Year 2 inclusive
- Navy blue rucksack (with logo) – Years 3 and above
- Navy blue PE bag (with logo)