You read our latest SEND Information Report document here:

SEND Information Report

Information about how Richmond supports children with SEN (called their ‘Local Offer’) can be found on the Achieving For Children Local Offer website.

The Local Offer provides information on local services and support available for families including children and young people aged 0-25 years with special educational needs or disabilities.

At St Mary’s school, meeting the needs of all children, regardless of their starting points or additional needs, is our highest priority. Our SENCo, Sarah Creegan, coordinates provision for SEND and can be contacted via email on

Contact details for enquiries and feedback:
Phone: 020 8547 4722

Independent supporters

Independent Supporters can work with you and your child to ensure that your voices are heard. They offer a free, friendly, flexible service for families and young people.

They offer support when:

  • You have applied for an education, health and care plan (EHCP) for your child
  • Your child has a statement that is transferring to an EHCP.

They aim to do this by:

  • Supporting you to understand the legal framework underpinning the changes in SEN
  • Helping you think through and identify what the changes mean for you
  • Attending or supporting you at meetings with the local authority or school.

The local organisations that provide this service are:

Independent Support Partnership
Phone: 020 8831 6076

KIDS Richmond and Kingston SEND Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS)
Phone: 020 8831 6179

In addition to independent support, the Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) offers advice across a wide range of subjects. This may include help with personal budgets and how to use the Local Offer plus:

  • Support with understanding reports and letters, attending meetings and preparing for assessments and reviews
  • Information and signposting to support services in your area
  • Support with transition and preparing for adulthood
  • Support with and signposting to mediation
  • Advice and support on benefits.

The Local Offer contains information on all the local organisations that can provide support and advice.